Phu Chi Fa

Phu Chi Fa [????????]

I haven’t uploaded many pics from my travels. This was taken in 2005 on my second backpacking trip. I wasn’t so much in to photography back then. I travelled light (50ltr backpack) so I only carried a small SLR and one lens and a little later a digital compact also. I went through a few cameras as a dropped them or managed to smash them up in some way or another or they just got stolen or were dropped out of the back of tuk-tuks. I bought this Sony DSC-N1 after my Canon EOS was stolen in Vietnam and my first ever digital camera, a DSC-T7 was stolen in Thailand, although not before I broke it by sweating on it too much on a trek.

Phu Chi Fa is a mountain in the Thai Highlands in the Phi Pan Nam Range in the eastern part of Chiang Rai Province. It’s a bit of a bugger to get to – I rode a motorbike there – I think it took about 2 hrs from Chiang Rai city centre.

I ended up going there twice but on this trip I went from Phu Chi Fa to Chiang Khong and from there to Chiang Saen and from there to Mai Sai where I thought I may as well go across to Myanmar to get my visa stamped again and from there back to Chiang Rai.

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